Quick glimpse of wildlife! Trip to Delhi Zoo.

What’s the answer to a sudden urge to just grab your camera and go shooting wildlife.. A visit to the local zoo. National Zoological Park, Delhi has a wide gamut of fauna ranging from some serious predators to colorful birds. The charismatic Royal Bengal Tiger, the burly looking Asiatic lion, the elusive white tiger are some of the biggest attractions.

I’ve been saving to get some serious gear (a full frame body and a telephoto prime) but had to content with a crop sensor body and a mediocre 70-300 VC lens. Due to limited reach pics are moderately to heavily cropped.

Coming up is a Hoolock Gibbon who was either entertaining himself (and  eventually the crowd) or was so pissed off at something that he had created a cacophonous symphony. Just look at the below picture and you’ll realize what I am talking about.

Hoolock Gibbon
Hoolock Gibbon
Crowd puller.. Was shouting in cacophonous symphony
Crowd puller.. Was shouting in cacophonous symphony

Next up is the white tiger Vijay who was in news recently for killing a youth who fell into his enclosure.

Tiger which killed a youth at the Delhi Zoo.
Tiger which killed a youth at the Delhi Zoo.

The Leopard


Lazily basking in the sun is the Marsh Crocodile. Look closely and you’ll find his exposed teeth almost seem like he is smirking.

Marsh Crocodile
Marsh Crocodile
Marsh Crocodile
Marsh Crocodile

Time for some birds. First up is with beautiful plumage the Blue and Gold Macaw.

Blue and Gold Macaw
Blue and Gold Macaw

Some more exotic birds.

Eagle Eyes
Eagle Eyes
cutest of them all
cutest of them all


DSC_2587 DSC_2610

Some waterbirds like Pelican and painted stork.

Painted Stork
Painted Stork
Painted Stork
Painted Stork

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